Some of our clients have asked us who to use in renovating their kitchen, bathroom, basement or deck and we always suggest the same thing - use a professional. When it comes to renovating, we want to make sure you get the best work done by certified professionals. As real estate agents, we are helping you in buying and selling your largest investment, so that means you want a reputable contractor. That's not to say that people who are not certified can't do great work, but as agents, we want to help protect your largest investment..
Get the necessary permits, hire a professional, get insurance for your renovations - these are steps to help protect you from any damage, court cases, etc that may occur. We see many homes that have work done but there are no permits and we inform our clients that they must make the decision whether it's a small risk or big risk in buying that home. As a real estate agent for a seller, we have a duty to inform the buyer(s) of any deficiencies and lack of permits if asked.
You might want to check out the Better Business Burea for reputable contractors to renovate your home. The website is
Another resource is RenoGuide part of the Greater Vancouver Home Builders' Association (GVHBA). I've checked out their site and it's great - you can select if you are renovating a house or condo/townhouse, select the area you live in and what kind of renovation you are looking for. A list of companies with descriptions and contact information are shown.
Although you may want to save money (especially the HST) and pay a contractor cash and get a deal, it may not be a good option in the long run. If you don't have a written contract, or they don't have insurance, you may not be able to win the case in court if there's a problem (you won't have any records, permits, inspections to help with your case).
By working with a reputable company/contractor, you'll be more at ease and less stressed about the renovation. And if you do sell your home, you have proof of your renovation and that goes a long way in impressing a buyer.
For all your real estate needs, contact Greg and Liz Holmes - The Holmes Team to help you buy and/or sell your home! Call us at 778.834.9929 or email us at
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